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If you receive an email or text message containing a link to access your tax forms, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK, it is a scam.
o access your tax forms in eStatements, log in to your Marquette online banking. Never share your username and password with anyone.

News & Blog - 10-2020 Archive

Mike and Stella Best Places to Work

Marquette Named one of the 2020 Best Banks to Work For

Thursday Oct 29th, 2020

For the third straight year, Marquette Savings Bank, of Erie and Crawford County, PA has been named one of the Best Banks to Work For in 2020. This year Marquette improved on its 2019 ranking and is now ranked 22nd in the nation.

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How to Detect a Phishing Scam

WICU Erie News Now
Friday Oct 23rd, 2020

Erie News Now Eva Mastromatteo had Marquette's fraud specialist, Lisa Lopez, in to talk about Phishing scams and the Zelle® scam that is happening right now. You can visit our Fraud Protection Center by clicking here for more information about this scam and other phishing scams.

WJET Logo Updated

Marquette warns Erie residents about recent credit card scam

Brian Wilk
Thursday Oct 22nd, 2020

Local bank executives are warning of a new scam that several people have fallen victim to recently. This is a two-staged scam that criminals are using to steal from the bank accounts of unsuspecting customers. This week, several local customers fell victim to these scammers.

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What you need to know about Romance Scams

Erie News Now - WICU
Friday Oct 16th, 2020

Marquette's fraud specialist, Lisa Lopez joined Erie News Now Eva Mastromatteo to talk about Romance Scams. You can visit our Fraud Protection Center by clicking here for more information on all types of scams happening.

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