Marquette makes it easy to manage your savings anywhere, anytime. Transfer funds or make withdrawals from our vast ATM network. Use our online and mobile banking capabilities to deposit checks, check balances, transfer funds, get eStatements, and complete a CD renewal or withdrawal. Just about anything you need to do with your savings is at your fingertips.
Online and Mobile Banking
You are now Mpowered™ to manage your savings accounts on the go with Marquette's online and mobile banking. Complete your banking 24/7 at your convenience right from your computer or smartphone. For more information visit the Online and Mobile Banking page.
Visit the “Learn” section of the Marquette website and watch our helpful videos for: CD Renewal and Withdrawal, eStatements and Mobile Check Deposit.
ATM Network
At Marquette, you have access to three different ATM networks making it easy for you to have access to your money. You can visit ATMs at any Marquette office, the Freedom Alliance Network or the Allpoint Network. Learn more about this amazing capability on our ATM and Debit Card page.
Download our ATM Locator apps to find the nearest ATM in our surcharge-free network!